My Book!

Well I finally wrote enough terrible parenting jokes that someone took notice and offered me a book deal.

Yes, I’m just as surprised as you are. No, I didn’t auction off my first born for it.

All jokes aside, writing this was an incredible opportunity that was fun, challenging, and a surprisingly emotional walk down memory lane.

First Time Mom’s Baby Memory Book

It’s designed for first time moms, but honestly it could be filled out for any kid. It’s fun! It’s lighthearted! It’s full of things you *actually* want to remember, like that first blow out, what it was like for both of you to be in diapers, and who taught your kid their first swear word. See! Important things!

My book, First Time Mom’s Baby Memory Book is officially on Amazon and ready to circle the world. Let me know what you think!First time mom's baby memory book